TS7010-00 - Talleyrand

CollectionThomas Strahan (pre-1975)
CategoryHistoric Reproductions
DescriptionThis paper was taken from a room in "Montpelier," the Knox Memorial Mansion in Thomaston, Maine. The room was furnished by General Knox, who retired to this beautiful home after serving as the first Secretary of War under George Washington. He was assisted in the selection of this paper and other home decorations by Lafayette, a close personal friend. The paper is named in honor of Talleyrand, French diplomat during the period. Along with three original papers also found in "Montpelier," Thomas Strahan Company reproduced "The Talleyrand" at the request of the committee in charge of restoring the historic home.
Inventory Data
For sale? This pattern is discontinued. Contact the manufacturer, Thomas Strahan (pre-1975), for special/custom order inquiries.

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